FDA Compliant Digital Signatures

FDA Compliant Digital Signatures

Use pre-validated CERDAAC software to meet FDA 21 requirements for electronic records and signatures

For highly regulated manufacturing organizations in the life-sciences industry, FDA compliance is imperative. Digital signatures provide organizations an audit-friendly way to document process approvals. SIMCO’s CERDAAC software is pre-validated to meet FDA Part 21 requirements and FDA compliant signatures are built into the software as part of our Compliance solution, which helps our customers comply with FDA regulations and stringent quality requirements.

Digital Signatures Benefits

Audit Trail

CERDAAC provides a detailed audit trail by recording all signatures and workflow actions, ensuring you are always audit-ready

Data Integrity

Fields can be locked down and require approval again if changed, protecting the integrity of the data

Email Notifications

Email notifications can be sent to the next person in the approval chain to speed the approval process

Security Technology

CERDAAC uses advanced security technology to verify the identity of the signer and prevent unauthorized users